Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A year later....now

The last post dates Sept 7th, but in fact it was more like October 2009. It is now September 2010. Time has drifted by...or maybe more like ZOOMED by. Yes, i am free from PS, but now as i'm on the hunt for a job that pays more than 12/hr, PS seems like a dream at 18/hr and 3 day weekends. But alas, reading over the older posts, I remember how crazy i went. The blog has served its purpose.
Anyways, as i said, i'm on the job hunt. I went to school, got my certificate in Medical Lab Assistant. It was good.. the 6 months went fairly quickly and getting a needle everyday was interesting. Alas, there are no jobs right now. Out of 24 students, about 5 got jobs. Ouch. I did my practicum at Bio lab is Chilliwack but didn't really enjoy that. I then did another 2 weeks at the abbotsford hospital which was better, and I even got an interview at the end, but nothing became of it. So, i then started looking for anything else and got a part time job at a Physio/massage clinic. I am there currently, but have given them till october to replace me. My husband booked Vegas for Oct 2 and they wouldn't give it off, so i figured i needed a full time job anyways, and we didn't want to throw the trip out the window, so i gave them notice. I've sent out numerous applications, but am still waiting to hear back from anyone. It doesn't help that most of them, i sent the wrong coverletter :o Oops. so i'm starting from scratch. I have just over half a month to get something!
Sunday I felt lead to volunteer at the Salvation Army...i sent my resume to see if they had any full time jobs there, otherwise to send me a list of what needs they have for volunteers. It might be hard if i work full time again though. Anyways, we'll see.

I can't believe its almost been a year since i've written. How time flies.

anyways, I'm enjoying my popcorn and watching 4 weddings and a funeral. Hugh Grant is so young. We've been watching movies from the 90's lately...they are so good, can' beat them.

Goodbyes and Popping jaws

Well today work started out as a shocker. I was late, had a dentist and doctor appointment, so i didn't get in till 11. Now i'm definitely glad I didn't come any later. My boss got fired today. No one saw that coming...and it was pretty sad to see a man so professional and a "go-get'er" almost break down into tears. Granted, there have been days where I bite my tongue at some of the decisions he's made in the past, but I truely am sad to see him go (even though I only have 2 days left at this place). I didn't realize how much I actually appreciated him until today. He has given me so much opportunity here. He promoted me like 4 times, and over pays me by a long shot! When he talked to me to say good bye I wish I could've said more, showed more appreciation for all he's done for me. But alas, i will probably never see him again. Poor guy. This company has made some major duchebag mistakes, and this is a huge one! It makes me even happier to leave this company...
So this morning i went to the dentist..its been just under a year since my last cleaning, but mostly i went to ask about this annoying pop in my jaw. Whenever I chew or move my jaw side to side it makes a popping sound. There's no pain involved, its just more annoying than anything! and sounds gross to those around me! So anyways, my dentist refered me to a 'specialist', and on going up to the receptionist to book a consultation, she tells me it costs $300 just to find out what the problem is - AND she said there's a good chance its not even fixable!!! WHAT. So they want me to pay $300 for some special guy to tell me there's nothing he can do????? wow. No thanks. Well, maybe. If i get desperate. I'll have to talk it over with the husband, cuz thats no small fee. I also wanted to look into getting contacts now that school is about to start, cuz i do not want to wear glasses all day! i hate having something on my face all day...it actually gives me headaches - if i have a hat, or hairband, or anything around/on my head. I'm Wierd, i know. So if i keep wanting to fix myself, it will get expensive real fast.
Saturday we're off to seattle. And that will be when my Cleanse is done!! WAHOOO! i'm sure looking forward to the tasty food! Last night I was craving a Big Mac so we decided to stop at McD's on the way down :) I know....go through all this trouble to cleanse my body, and the first thing I do is have a greasy burger??? Yes. Its just one burger. C'mon, leave me alone. Its not like i'm eating one everyday! The yesterday morning I weighed myself at 120lbs!! i can't remember the last time I was there. Throughout highschool i was always 125lbs...not a pound more, not a pound less. And here I am about 7 years about grading, less than i was then! It feels good, but i'm sure once my cleanse is done I'll be back to my normal 125lbs. I know its not a huge difference for most, but it is for me! Its very dificult for me to lose only 1 pound, so this is quite the feat.
I just love the fact I can tell my mom i weigh less then her!! We weigh about the same, so she's quite competetive with me, and now i've beat her!!! Now to only stay there, that will be tricky.
We're going to boston pizza tonight for dinner. To eat fries, or not to eat fries. THAT is the question.

3 days till freedom!

Thats right....3 more days till freedom!!!! I have been waiting for this moment for the last 3 years, and the chains are about to break loose. I'm talking about my job. This job has changed my life...and i don't really mean in a good way. Let's just say out of my 5 other brothers and sisters, i was the one the thought would least likely get an office job. Guess who ended up in one...ME. It has killed my imagination, done havock on my body, and has arisen many a headaches. Imagination in the way that i'm an artistic type, dreaming and working with my hands. I have done none of the following in the last 3 years.The computer screen has zapped all creativity out of my living body. My body in the way that i could eat as much as i wanted and i would NEVER gain a pound. Lets just say sitting in my chair all day has brought a complete halt to my metabolism and the fat cells are hugging my bum. Whats it called? secretary spread? Enough said. Again i say with much enthusiasim....3 DAYS TILL FREEDOM!Now what you say? I'm going to school!!! again...but this time with a purpose. I'm actually going into the medical lab Tach Assitant program, which is only 6 months, and its in Vancouver! Talk about a commute. Luckily our half ass transit system has a Train that will take me right in, helping my avoid a 1.5 commute in dirty traffic. The train takes just over an hour to get in, and then i take the skytrain for 15 min to school. I can't believe its here! i remember the countdown being at 1 year...at 3 months...now 3 days! WAAHHOOOOO!!!!! It actually doesn't start till Nov 2nd, so i'll have almost a week off before i start. Sounds great to me :)This weekend me and Scott are hopping across the border to seattle for a night. Just for some shopping, eating (i'll be done my cleanse by then. *whew) and just getting away. Its suppose to rain all weekend, but whats fall without rain? I would probably reveal shock if it wasn't rainy. I believe Seattle is even called the "rainy city" of US. Anyways, i really want to find a nice jacket, maybe a cozy kniw sweater, and some adidas or puma shoes. We'll see though..we're only going saturday to Sunday so not a ton of time. And we got reservations at the Silver Cloud Hotel which is by the Safeco stadium, about 10 blocks to downtown...alittle far. We used Hotwire to book it and it doesn't tell you which hotel your booking, just the area its in. It had to give us the hotel thats on the furthest outskrits of the area...pff. Not a fan. Until then i will crunch on my cucumber and force the water down my throat, and think about all the tasty food to come this weekend. 3 days...

ph Ion balance

I just found the following website that lets you download a 50 pg book with acidic/alkaline food chart and tons of recipes for salads/meals/soups..and its free! check it out.http://www.phionbalance.com/download

the quest to be alkalized!

So i'm on day 9 of be cleansed. Yes, i'm doing a cleanse. This is probably my 3rd attempt in the last couple years. I've never completed one...the cravings and thoughts of hamburgers draw me in and comvince me to take the easy way out. This time, however, its different. Its a 12 day cleanse and i've stayed pretty strong, with no caving in sight. I'm doing the Wild Rose Herbal Detox, you take 3 different kinds of pills and 30 drops in water every morning and evening before meals. I weighed myself this morning and in 9 days i've lost 5 pounds! I'm skeptical about actually keeping the 5 pounds once i'm done the cleanse, because then i won't be goin to the washroom as much - and thats where i think the 5 pounds came off!! One of the pills is a laxative... helps alitte :) Anyways, through this cleanse i learned about Alkaline and acidic foods - your suppose to be eating 80% alkaline and 20% acidic, in the cleanse and in everyday life. Its hard...basically almost anything acidic is the tasty stuff!! I'm been living off apples, almonds, veggies and strawberries. No wonder i lost 5 pounds! I will admit i cheated here and there ALITTLE. Like when we went to the Canucks game, we always go to costco for a hot dog, fries, and chicken strips. There are no healthy choices, and i had to eat something!! so i had 1/2 hot dog, 2 strips and afew fries. Also on Sunday we go to my parents for lunch and they were serving spaghetti and so I had to have some...just like 1.5 cups or so. I'm mean, if i do cheat its not the worst foods, and its not big protions. Anyways, I was researching on the internet the whole alkaline and acidic foods and was trying to find some recipes that could be tasty and something i can crave thats healthy. I found a Brocolli soup (i love brocolli soup..), veggie soup, and also a Hummus recipe which is great on wraps. "Fresh Garden Vegetable Soup" Ingredients 2 large carrots 1 small zucchini 1 celery stalk 1 cup of broccoli 3 stalks of asparagus 1 yellow onion 1 quart of (alkaline) water 4-5 tsps of yeast-free vegetable broth 1 tsps fresh basil 2 tsps sea salt to taste Directions Put water in pot, add the vegetable broth as well as the onion and bring to boil. Meanwhile, chop the zucchini, the broccoli and the asparagus, and shred the carrots and the celery stalk in a food processor. Once the water is boiling, please turn off the stove as we do not want to boil the vegetables. Just put them all in the hot water and wait until the vegetables reach desired tenderness. Allow to cool slightly, then put all ingredients into blender and mix until you get a thick, smooth consistency. Taste with salt, serve warm and ENJOY!(Of course you can replace one or the other of the vegetables, just try out whatever you have in the house.) I also have been eating salad for dinner, which is actually very filling (i have a big bowl of it!) I use lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, red pepper, and for the dressing i combine: 1/2 cup Olive oil 1/8 cup lemon Juice 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp oregano 1/4 tsp Garlic Its really tasty! its pretty much a Greek salad dressing. Also, last night i made wraps. I found some wraps that weren't made out of flour (i'm not allowed to eat flour) and i spread Garlic hummus on top and then i filled it with the above Salad...it was DELICIOUS! i will definitely keep making that in the future and its healthy!! I also just ordered Litmus paper on ebay to measure your body pH level...i'm curious to see how good/bad my ph level is. On the internet it says you should be able to pick up litmus paper at a local pharmacy, but I tried 2 different ones yesterday and no one carries them. So i found a book with 80 strips for 4.50! I just have to wait for them to get here now.