Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the quest to be alkalized!

So i'm on day 9 of be cleansed. Yes, i'm doing a cleanse. This is probably my 3rd attempt in the last couple years. I've never completed one...the cravings and thoughts of hamburgers draw me in and comvince me to take the easy way out. This time, however, its different. Its a 12 day cleanse and i've stayed pretty strong, with no caving in sight. I'm doing the Wild Rose Herbal Detox, you take 3 different kinds of pills and 30 drops in water every morning and evening before meals. I weighed myself this morning and in 9 days i've lost 5 pounds! I'm skeptical about actually keeping the 5 pounds once i'm done the cleanse, because then i won't be goin to the washroom as much - and thats where i think the 5 pounds came off!! One of the pills is a laxative... helps alitte :) Anyways, through this cleanse i learned about Alkaline and acidic foods - your suppose to be eating 80% alkaline and 20% acidic, in the cleanse and in everyday life. Its hard...basically almost anything acidic is the tasty stuff!! I'm been living off apples, almonds, veggies and strawberries. No wonder i lost 5 pounds! I will admit i cheated here and there ALITTLE. Like when we went to the Canucks game, we always go to costco for a hot dog, fries, and chicken strips. There are no healthy choices, and i had to eat something!! so i had 1/2 hot dog, 2 strips and afew fries. Also on Sunday we go to my parents for lunch and they were serving spaghetti and so I had to have some...just like 1.5 cups or so. I'm mean, if i do cheat its not the worst foods, and its not big protions. Anyways, I was researching on the internet the whole alkaline and acidic foods and was trying to find some recipes that could be tasty and something i can crave thats healthy. I found a Brocolli soup (i love brocolli soup..), veggie soup, and also a Hummus recipe which is great on wraps. "Fresh Garden Vegetable Soup" Ingredients 2 large carrots 1 small zucchini 1 celery stalk 1 cup of broccoli 3 stalks of asparagus 1 yellow onion 1 quart of (alkaline) water 4-5 tsps of yeast-free vegetable broth 1 tsps fresh basil 2 tsps sea salt to taste Directions Put water in pot, add the vegetable broth as well as the onion and bring to boil. Meanwhile, chop the zucchini, the broccoli and the asparagus, and shred the carrots and the celery stalk in a food processor. Once the water is boiling, please turn off the stove as we do not want to boil the vegetables. Just put them all in the hot water and wait until the vegetables reach desired tenderness. Allow to cool slightly, then put all ingredients into blender and mix until you get a thick, smooth consistency. Taste with salt, serve warm and ENJOY!(Of course you can replace one or the other of the vegetables, just try out whatever you have in the house.) I also have been eating salad for dinner, which is actually very filling (i have a big bowl of it!) I use lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, red pepper, and for the dressing i combine: 1/2 cup Olive oil 1/8 cup lemon Juice 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/4 tsp oregano 1/4 tsp Garlic Its really tasty! its pretty much a Greek salad dressing. Also, last night i made wraps. I found some wraps that weren't made out of flour (i'm not allowed to eat flour) and i spread Garlic hummus on top and then i filled it with the above Salad...it was DELICIOUS! i will definitely keep making that in the future and its healthy!! I also just ordered Litmus paper on ebay to measure your body pH level...i'm curious to see how good/bad my ph level is. On the internet it says you should be able to pick up litmus paper at a local pharmacy, but I tried 2 different ones yesterday and no one carries them. So i found a book with 80 strips for 4.50! I just have to wait for them to get here now.

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