Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Today i got nothing. I'm trying to shut out the little voice in my head that speaks too often and gets me in a deeper hole. I was listening to the radio yesterday morning on the way to work and they were talking about that voice in your head and your ego voice, etc. They said that voice you hear in your head that talks to you is not you. Its your ego talking and your only listening. Could that be why i'm going crazy. I've let him get out of control. It is that voice that puts all these ideas into my head and mulls it over again and again until I go crazy and have to start a blog to funnel it out.
I'm trying to snuff out that voice. Think about the here and now and nothing else.
Maybe than i will have some peace and quiet.
Maybe then my shoulders will relax.
Maybe than I will stop grinding my teeth until my jaw is stiff and a aching pounding slowly climbs the back of my head.
Maybe.....maybe not.

I am being punished for being an intraverted, closed and over analytical person.

This blog has helped somewhat, but i think talking to a real person would really help get it all out. A blog does not speak back. Doesn't offer a solution or an idea. Unfortunatley private counseling is $90/hour. Who can afford that???

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